Eksperto sinasabing isa na namang Malaking Kapalpakan ng mga Anti Duterte ang ICC's Probe ng EJKs dito sa Pilipinas para pabagsakin si Pangulong Duterte!

The all-out desperate scheme employed by Duterte's detractors to topple down the so-called "Duterte regime" had recently reached and involved various international bodies including the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Comes with the declaration of the ICC that an examination on the evidences they obtained regarding the alleged Extra Judicial Killings (EJKs) in the country is set to commence, the Anti-Dutertards are acting seemingly triumphant as if victory has already worked on their favor.
But their joy, according to Jun Avelino, a distinguished writer and a staunch supporter of the Duterte administration, is no less than a deception they themselves are fond of believing. That is because the impending ICC examination will not primarily indict Duterte for his dectractor's groundless and deceitful accusations. Rather, such examination could pave an opportunity for Duterte to refute the allegations thrown at him by his nemeses.
"I have a different take on this development however, and in fact, any thinking animals from the yellows and the reds will look at this case as something dreadful to their cause as this will mark the beginning of the end of their global attack and black propaganda against the Duterte administration. At this early, if there is anyone who should be jumping into jubilation, it should be Duterte himself and not the Anti Dutertards," Avelino stated.
In the said post, Avelino affirmed that the complaint against President Duterte filed before the ICC is a mere part of the deceitful global propaganda by the President's Detractors. Yet, as how Avelino view it, such scheme will be put to waste subjecting the Anti-Dutertards party to ridicule and damnation.
Also, Avelino explained elaborately certain possible premises related to the ICC case againt Duterte. Presuming that there are 3 levels of consequences concerning this issue, Avelino claimed:
"The first level is where the government starts its offensive by providing the ICC with all the required information to debunk the accusations and enlighten the court as to the great accomplishments the government has done in its fight against drug and the number of lives he saved in fighting the evils of the drug industry as opposed to the fictitious number of deaths which is the basis of the complaint against him on crime against humanity."
He also added that since ICC is a neutral court and one that only entertains truth and fact, the complaint against Duterte which is primarily based on delusional statistics will obviously be dismissed thereby giving Duterte an opportunity to slap his nemeses both local and international, in their faces.
The second possible outcome of this case according to Avelino entails the case' advancement to the preliminary investigation stage where a full blown investigation is expected which again, will work in Duterte's advantage.
"Again, this level works in favor of Duterte because all the government will have to do, is to present all the actions taken against the drug war program, with all the backing of the countrys laws and Supreme Court decisions sustaining government actions including cases filed against erring police officers as well as arrests warrants on abusive cops involved in the killings will certainly dissuade the court from listening to the lies and fabrications which will be put up by the Duterte accusers," he explained.
According to Avelino, the third consequential direction of this ICC complaint entails the verdict, not by the involved international court, but locally on the electoral protest of former senator Bongbong Marcos which, as Avelino put it, would place Robredo and her oppositional camp in a dire situation.
"Are they ready for the Marcos Presidency if Duterte is removed from office on account of the ICC case? Sanamagan!" Avelino questioned significantly.
"Within the next 3 to 4 years, we are expected to have a constitution which would shift this country to the federal form of government where the President will be more of a ceremonial head of state while the prime Minister will be the head of the government. What if Digong will be asked to head the transition period to Federalism as Prime Minister and would leave the Presidency to BBM? How will you run after his ass? Or what if Duterte keeps his promise to resign in 2020 when Federalism is set in place? Will that not render all your efforts to oblivion?" the journalist added elaborately.
Yet, regardless how the International Criminal Court resolve the complaint against Duterte, especially if it turns out negatively, the court under international law cannot impose to remove Duterte or any president for that matter, off his Presidential post.
Conclusively, Avelino claimed:
"In a nutshell, the case filed against Duterte at the ICC is yet another blunder committed by the Anti Dutertards which sends them all to hit the blank wall for all their shenanigans. As carefully analyzed, nowhere in all the possible directional scenarios of the ICC case where they can claim victory."
"In the end, the whole process tells us that it is a simple case of Duterte giving the Anti Dutertards one golden bullet to shoot themselves on their heads to make use of their brains once and for all. But with autistic smiles, they gladly obliged, grabbed the golden bullet and shoot themselves neither on their heads nor their chests, but wrecking their balls instead, thus reminding them that they had three balls but never used any of them because it takes some amount of brain to use ones balls, and sadly, their skulls are empty."

Source: Jun Avelino
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